Welcome to Vasanti Estate Winery, where every guest is embraced like family. Situated in the picturesque South Okanagan region of British Columbia, our vineyards in Oliver and Osoyoos flourish under the warm, sunny climate, producing exceptional fruit that is the foundation of our exquisite wines. At Vasanti, we believe that great wine starts with an intimate understanding of the land, which is why we dedicate ourselves to nurturing our vines and respecting the unique terroir of our vineyards.
Our story is one of heritage and passion. The Sidhu family's journey began in 1980 when our patriarch ventured from India to Oliver, B.C., seeking a new beginning. What started as a humble farm has blossomed into Vasanti Estate Winery, a testament to our family's enduring commitment to the land and the craft of winemaking. With over two decades of experience as premium winegrowers, we have now ventured into the world of winemaking, guided by the expertise of our esteemed winemaker, Jason Parkes.
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