12&28 Creative Studio is a dynamic branding and website design studio located in Chicago, specializing in providing high-quality, strategic design solutions tailored to the needs of service-based creative businesses. With a particular focus on coaches, interior designers, consultants, personal brands, and other creative entrepreneurs, the studio is dedicated to creating memorable and impactful brand identities that resonate with target audiences.
The studio offers a comprehensive range of services, including custom branding, logo design, and Squarespace website design, all designed with the goal of enhancing a brand's visual presence and fostering business growth. Whether it's developing a compelling brand identity from scratch or redesigning an existing logo, 12&28 Creative Studio works closely with clients to understand their unique vision, values, and market positioning.
* Connect with Us Today!
* Business Address: 1364 Newcastle Ln, Bartlett, Illinois, US, 60103
*Phone: 6309991122
* Business Hours: Monday- Friday (10:00 am to 5:00 pm)
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