The Town School is committed to elementary co-education, serving students in nursery through eighth grade. As we embrace high academic and ethical standards for each student, we are guided by our school motto, “let there be joy in learning.Town’s program balances the traditional and the innovative, emphasizing excellence in academics and a thorough exposure to the arts and physical education. We teach children to think creatively, read critically and reason logically, stressing the value of both individual learning and collaboration. We are committed to diversity, teaching students to be inclusive and to respect themselves and others.Students leave Town as well-rounded, articulate, resilient and morally responsible individuals. They are prepared to meet the challenges of a demanding secondary education and continue on the path of lifelong learning.
You Can Contact With Us:
Address: 540 East 76th Street, New York, New York, 10021
Phone: +1 212-288-4383
Official Website:
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