Psyonix will also be making some changes to the lights results

Psyonix will also be making some changes to the lights results


Psyonix will also be making some changes to Buy Rocket League Credits the lights results in Neon Fields. Many gamers concept the extreme special effects have been negatively impacting their gameplay experience, and the team is responding with a new settings choice – Effect Intensity. Keeping it at the Default placing won't alternate whatever, but moving it to Low will do the subsequent:

Compared to a number of Rocket League's previous updates, this one is a chunk mild on content. The biggest information for Rocket League passed off every week in the past, when Psyonix discovered it was participating with ESPN to convey X Games tools to its keep. There's additionally a Rocket League match that'll be wrapping up in the following couple of  Rocket League Credits For sale days – with the winner getting an legitimate X Games medal.

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