Blizzard says the barbershop in World of Warcraft Classic

Blizzard says the barbershop in World of Warcraft Classic


Blizzard says the barbershop in World of Warcraft Classic will quickly have extra inclusive hairstyles and facial functions, which you will be in a position to WOW Classic Items shop for with gold

When Wrath of the Lich King arrives for World of Warcraft Classic, it’ll be making some adjustments to the authentic version of the MMORPG’s landmark growth. As we’ve already learned, dungeon finder won’t be covered in the re-launch of Wrath Classic. While that feature goes away, there’s a new one taking its vicinity: extra inclusive individual customisation options in the barbershop.

World of Warcraft Classic lead manufacturer Holly Longdale tells us that barbershop customisation will move well beyond coiffure when Wrath of the Lich King involves conventional. “We knew we have been going to convey the  barbershop returned, however while we had been looking at it, it was literally a barbershop – you may simplest exchange your hair,” she says. “We’re now not tied to that technical predicament that existed in 2008, so we checked out the spirit of what the barbershop became supposed to do, that is to can help you specific yourself as you want to.”



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