We've were given our largest clue yet that Blizzard is creating a WoW Classic

We've were given our largest clue yet that Blizzard is creating a WoW Classic


We've were given our largest clue yet that Blizzard is  WOW Classic Items creating a WoW Classic sever for the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King expansion

It looks as if WoW Classic will be getting Wrath of the Lich King servers. There were some indicators it is able to take place over the past few months, although we’ve just got our largest one but.

One participant reviews on Reddit that their guildmate has acquired a survey from Blizzard asking how likely they're to play a Classic model of Wrath of the Lich King. A few different gamers have shared that they, too, were given a comparable e-mail, although one famous more of what Blizzard is asking. Apparently, the developer is eager to mmobc.com understand how involved human beings are in the new servers and if they played the original growth whilst it changed into launched lower back in 2008.



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