every odd guide in Escape from Tarkov EFT Roubles

every odd guide in Escape from Tarkov EFT Roubles


Only one out of every odd guide in Escape from Tarkov EFT Roubles has a tree on it. This implies you won't have to battle through the tight situation Factory or pay the Roubles to get yourself a Labs card. this leaves Customs, Interchange, Reserve, Woods, Shoreline and the freshest guide, Lighthouse.

Woods: This tree is on a drifting flatboat that is just on Woods during this.

occasion. The canal boat can be observed South of the Logging Camp where Shturman spawns.Interchange: You can observe the tree in the Scav Camp on lolga.com the highway.Lighthouse: Since this is the freshest guide this may be the hardest to find in general. The Christmas Tree on this guide is at the Hideout constructing South of the Docks. On the off chance that you follow the West shore of the guide toward the South you will track down this tree. Simply ensure you don't go excessively far toward the beacon since it will shoot and kill you.



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