Open water protaras - We welcome you to join our open water course In Protaras, Cyprus at This Course is your entry into the world of diving. This course will allow you to dive, independent of a dive professional, anywhere in the world down to a maximum depth of 18 metres.

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Open Water Scuba Diving Course

The Open Water Course is your entry into the world of diving. This course will allow you to dive, independent of a dive professional, anywhere in the world down to a maximum depth of 18 metres.

Although the Open Water Licence lets you dive independent of a professional, that doesn’t mean you have to go out alone. In fact most people choose to dive with a Divemaster or Instructor even after certification. they take care of all the hassle and planning for you and take you straight to the good bits of the dive site. If you are interested in where we take our certified divers have a look at our list of dive sites here.

At Get Wet Divers we do the Open Water Course in 3 days minimum. 3 days isn’t a requirement, if it takes longer, then it takes longer. We teach you at your pace.

The course is made up of 3 parts:

The History of Scuba Diving

How diving effects your body

Scuba Equipment

Safety rules and procedures

Decompression theory

The ocean environment

The second part is where we teach you how to dive. This is done in a very shallow area that we call a confined water. Here you will learn the basics like what to do if you get water in your mouth or in your mask. We teach you how to control your position in the water to give you that weightless feeling. Safety procedures like, what happens if you run out of air or if you have an equipment failure (although the likelihood of this happening to a well trained, competent diver is practically zero). All the way through to taking the full set of equipment off underwater and back on again.

The last part – we take you for 4 dives. We start off slow and stay to a maximum of 12 metres for the first 2 dives, then venture a bit deeper to the full 18 metres for the last 2 dives. During these dives we are showing you how to apply all the theory you learnt to be a safe competent diver. There will also be some tests on the dive, nothing you wont already know or haven’t practised many times before.

After this course you will be certified as a full Open Water Diver.

Price: The price for the Open Water Course is €400. This includes all the training and dives. training materials and certification fee.

Prerequisites: You must be 10 years old or older.

If you would like more information or if you would like to book send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Get In Touch:

Location: Protaras, Cyprus

Call: (+357) 97 770211

Email: [email protected]