Old School RuneScape Level 4 Combat Fire Cape Guide

After the second shot has been fired, eat the cooked meat of a crab, or onions that have been fried.


Begin the battle with just 1 HP. You can decrease your HP using Dwarven rocks cakes. After you have fired the first shot from the NPC take a bite of the food item that heals you up to one HP (onion). After the second shot has been fired, eat the cooked meat of a crab, or onions that have been fried.

This is where Level 76 Cooking as well as all the onions enter. Level 76 Cooking lets the fry of OSRS gold with low risk of them burning and you can fry them right onto the vents in the TzHaar Fight Cave.

Keep in mind that the 180 Melee NPC is able to out-heal recoil damage which is why it is necessary to employ Iron spears that are poisoned. The slower weapon is an excellent choice because it stops monsters from being frightened and waiting for attacks regardless. In addition, it offers one in four chance to use poison.

People who are fortunate enough with the blessings of RNG gods could succeed in this endeavor without hitting levels 3 or higher! The odds are 1 out of 13. Therefore, those who believe in the supernatural ought to know that this does not bode well however you'll never know If you don't try isn't it?

According to the old saying "It it is much better experience an event once than to be told about it thousands of times". This is particularly true when it comes to watching the work being done. What's more reliable than watching Rendi performing Level 4 Combat Fire Cape himself.

Correct timing and proper timing can mean the key to life or death here. A single mistake and you're dead man!

Tick eating

Something you must be aware of before getting into Tzhaar Fight Cave, is the technique referred to as "tick eating". For those who aren't familiar with the concept of "tick" it refers to an amount of time equivalent or greater than 0.6 seconds.

It could be different by thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of a second due the lag of servers, but even a tiny difference would not cause any problems. This method is typically employed in prayer in games where skilled players utilize "prayer flicking" which means they will activate their prayer for one tick only (when they are attacked or attacked).

Professional players can't reduce their prayer points in any way!

The tick eating process works similarly. When you eat the tick, that you're being attacked. When you've got 20 HP you're injured for 20 damage. If you eating in the same tick you won't be killed.

This is a very click-intensive mechanic and only has a limited application but it's worthwhile to learn because it could help you improve your PK, defeat enemies more effectively and increase your skill quicker. To fully utilize this method requires a strong internet connection.

Even more crazy is that on the 14th of January. Xzact received an Fire Cape on Level 3.

As we, the average mortals, have no idea about the possibility of doing something similar to this, we've put together an Fire Cape Guide for those who have a Level 75+ Range.

If you're a regular human being, just like us the service we offer could help you get that initial OSRS fire Cape.OSRS Staking Guidelines - How To Dominate In The RuneScape Duel Arena

Duel Arena is situated In Al Kharid. To get there, Duel Arena is, you must go through at the Lumbridge gate and then follow the route to the to the west. It is necessary to pay a cheap OSRS gold tax to the guards in case you've not completed the mission Prince Ali Rescue, after which you'll be able to pass through the gate at no cost.

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