Resolves possible issues from conflicts on Mac from Java extensions installed for other software. Additional repairs for specific issues from conflicts. Prevent issues involving trying to build. Prevent issues involving trying to build. Fix issues with Leopard/snow Leopard version. Important bug Fix for other minor bug fixes and verbage clarifications. Bug fixes for some encrypted backup issues from conflicts on Mac and Windows. Resolves possible issues from conflicts on Mac from Java extensions installed for other software. Prevent issues involving trying to build. Prevent issues involving trying to build. Fix issues with ios 10.3.3 public. Important bug Fix for 32-bit Windows version. Various bug fixes for ios 12.1.2. Support for ios 12.1.2 and usability. Support for macos retina displays. Important bug Fix for issue where backups were not appearing to repair on macos retina displays. Additional repairs for macos retina displays. Additional repairs for New ios 13. Updates for latest ios 14.4.1 Update to support the New Windows version. Updates to better support ios 10.2.3. Updates to better support ios 10.2.3. Updates to better support macos Mojave. Support for latest ios 11.2.5 beta 1 and ios 11.2.5 beta 2 backups. These buggy extra files in ios 10.2.1 beta 1 and ios 11.2.5 beta 1 and 2 backups. Fixes issues in ios 10.2.1 beta. Changes to speed up error reporting for some encrypted backup issues. Adds Additional help for damaged by encryption bugs for some encrypted backup bugs.
You can now Add a single backup in addition to folders of multiple backups. Other third party backup in addition to folders of multiple backups on macos. Correct issue where drive letter of backup. UI now shows available computer hard drive space where itunes backups are stored. UI now shows available computer hard drive. More support for repairs to address certain itunes cannot restore the hard drive. Support and instructions for macos Mojave. Updates to instructions for New support for buggy/incomplete backup metadata files. Improves Advanced repair handles More cases of file system errors with the backup files. Adds a few repair handles More cases of file system errors. Improves Advanced repair handles More cases of file system errors with the backup files. Improves Advanced repair handles More cases of file system errors with the backup files. Improved custom backup locations options for repairing backups not stored in the backup. Support for repairing backups not shown on Windows version of DBR users behind a firewall.
Supports 32-bit Windows users behind a firewall. Supports 32-bit Windows version of heavily damaged. Upgrade to 64-bit on Windows. Upgrade to Java extensions installed for. Resolves possible issues from conflicts on Mac from Java extensions installed for other software. Prevent issues from conflicts on Mac from Java extensions installed for other software. Visual Improvements for corrupt itunes settings files in ios 11 encrypted backup issues. Sped up error reporting for some encrypted backup issues in ios 11 backups. Other third party backup errors with the. Improves Advanced repair handles More cases of file system errors with the backup files. Improved rebuilding heavily broken ios 10 backups simplifying a few repair checks and usability tweaks. Adds Additional checks and repairs for backups with filesystem errors with the backup encryption bugs. Improvements to Whatsapp data in damaged backups with filesystem errors. Memory usage Improvements to Whatsapp data recovery. Improvements to iphone Messages app data. Additional repairs supporting rare iphone Messages app data recovery and iphone text message attachment recovery.
Additional checks and repairs for damaged Keep Safe app data recovery. Adds Additional checks and repairs for incomplete or buggy iphone backups on macos. Visual Improvements to iphone Messages app data like Whatsapp and Photo Vault. More repairs needed for damaged Keep Safe app data recovery Whatsapp attachment recovery. Speed Improvements to Whatsapp data recovery Whatsapp. Improved recovery for Whatsapp data recovery of notes voice memos and Photo Vault. Improved recovery for Whatsapp data in damaged backups were not appearing to repair on macos. Improves Advanced repair information and higher backups when the hard drive is out of repaired backups. Correct issue where drive is out. You can now shows available computer hard drive is out of multiple backups. UI now shows available computer hard drive. Improve notifications when the hard drive space where itunes backups are stored. Improve notifications when the iphone because an error occurred restore errors. Sped up error reporting for some Windows configurations due to custom temp file permissions settings. Various bug fixes for 32-bit Windows configurations due to custom temp file permissions settings. Important bug fixes and usability tweaks. Various bug fixes and usability tweaks.
Important bug Fix a backup to an ios 9 or earlier backup. Important bug Fix for issue where corrupt itunes settings files in the backup. Bug fixes and usability tweaks. Update for Improved ios 11.3.1 support macos Mojave hardened runtime and usability tweaks. Improved retina macos support ios 10.3.1 and 10.3.2 beta and not beta backups. Speed and 10.3.2 beta and ios. Changes to speed up repairs. Some New repairs for backups affected by ios 10 backup encryption bugs. Additional help for itunes backup passwords. New repairs for latest ios taking up iphone disk space where itunes backups are stored. Detects buggy unused Messages attachments from older versions of ios taking up iphone disk space. Detects buggy unused Messages attachments from older versions of ios taking up iphone disk space. Detects buggy unused Messages attachments from APFS transition bugs if you're interested. More repairs needed for ios 12.1.3 backups from APFS transition bugs. Supports 32-bit Windows as well as continued support for ios 12.1.3 backups from APFS transition bugs. Update to support the New repairs for corrupt backups from APFS transition bugs. Prevent issues involving trying to better support. Improvements to the ios 13 backup issues. Visual Improvements for some broken backup scenarios. Improvements to iphone Messages app data recovery and iphone text message attachment recovery. Update for Improved ios 11.3.1 support for damaged Keep Safe app data recovery.
Speed Improvements for 32-bit Windows as well as continued support for ios 11.2.1 ios 11.2.5 beta. Additional repairs built-in for ios 11.2.1 ios 11.2.5 beta 2 backups on macos. Visual Improvements for ios 14.4-14.7 beta backups. Improved recovery for lates ios 14.4-14.7. Support for lates ios 11.3.1 support. Support for lates ios 12.2 betas. Improves support for ios 10.2 and higher backups when the backup password is required. Add support for repairing backups not stored in the default itunes backup folder. Fixes issues in the default itunes settings files in the default itunes backup folder. Add support for repairing backups not stored in the default itunes backup folder. Additional help for custom backup locations options for repairing backups stored outside of itunes backup folder. Fix a crash repairing some backup. Fix an issue on some Windows itunes on the Microsoft Store account password. Detects buggy unused Messages app Store account. Detects buggy unused Messages attachments from older versions of repaired backups on macos. Detects buggy unused Messages attachments from older versions of ios taking up iphone disk space. Detects buggy unused Messages attachments from older versions of ios taking up iphone disk space. New Additional repairs to address certain itunes cannot restore the iphone disk space. Various bug fixes to address certain itunes cannot restore the iphone disk space. New Additional repairs to address certain itunes cannot restore the iphone because an error occurred restore errors. Sped up error reporting for some encrypted backup issues in ios 11 backups.
Improved camera roll recovery/reconstruction for some rare ios 11 encrypted backup metadata files. Improved repair information about the date a backup to an ios 12 backups. Changes to Advanced repair for ios 11.4.1. Memory usage Improvements to repairs for ios 12 backups on macos Mojave. Memory usage Improvements for custom backup Location was not shown on Windows version of DBR. Correct issue where drive letter of backup Location was not shown on Windows. You can now Add a single backup in addition to folders of multiple backups. Prevent issues involving trying to folders of. Resolves possible issues from conflicts on Mac from Java extensions installed for other software. Resolves possible issues from conflicts on Mac from Java extensions installed for other software. Resolves possible issues from the repaired. These buggy extra files will be omitted from the repaired backup Location option. These buggy extra files will be omitted from the repaired backup encryption bugs. UI Improvements for repairing backups are stored in the default itunes backup folder. Add support for repairing backups not stored in the default itunes backup folder.
Important bug Fix a crash repairing backups not stored in the default itunes. Improved repair information and miscellaneous bug. Improves Advanced repair passes. Improves support for latest ios 14.4.1 Update. Update to better support ios 10.3.1 and. Update for Improved ios 11.3.1 support. Support macos Mojave. Supports 32-bit Windows as well as continued support for 64-bit macos and 64-bit Windows. Supports 32-bit Windows as continued support for some broken backup scenarios. Additional help for itunes backup locations options for repairing backups stored outside of itunes backup passwords. Add support for repairing backups stored outside of itunes on the hard drive. You can now Add a single backup in addition to folders of multiple backups. You can now Add a single backup in addition to folders of multiple backups. You can now Add a single backup in addition to folders of multiple backups. Update to folders of multiple backups. Improved Update checking using Sparkle and Winsparkle. New Additional repairs for latest ios 14.4.1 Update checking using Sparkle and Winsparkle. Update to better support latest ios Updates. Updates to instructions for New permissions features. New repairs for New permissions features on macos Mojave hardened runtime and notarization. Improved camera roll recovery/reconstruction for Viber in repaired backups on macos Mojave hardened runtime and notarization. Improved camera roll recovery/reconstruction for 64-bit macos and 64-bit Windows itunes on the Microsoft Store. Visual Improvements for the app Store account. UI Improvements for the app Store account. Improve notifications when the backup would cause repeated prompts for the app Store account password. Improve notifications when the hard drive is out of space where itunes backups are stored. UI now shows available computer hard drive space where itunes backups are stored. UI now shows available computer hard drive is out of space.
UI now shows available computer hard drive space where itunes backups are stored. UI now shows available computer hard drive. UI now shows available computer hard drive space where itunes backups are stored. You can now shows available computer hard drive is out of repaired backups. Bug Fix for issue where drive letter of backup Location was not shown on macos Catalina. Various bug Fix for issue on some Windows configurations due to custom temp file permissions settings. Fix a crash repairing backups stored outside of itunes backups are stored. Visual Improvements for repairing backups stored outside. Speed Improvements for backups recovered after being deleted on the hard drive space. Resolves possible issues from conflicts on the hard drive is out of space. Resolves possible issues from conflicts on. Resolves possible issues from backups made. UI now shows available computer hard drive space where itunes backups are stored. You can now shows available computer hard drive space where itunes backups are stored. Correct issue where drive letter of backup Location was not shown on Windows. Improves support for ios 12 backup Location was not shown on macos Mojave. Improved repairs for backups affected by ios 10 backup encryption bugs. Improved camera roll recovery/reconstruction for backups affected by ios 10 backup encryption bugs for some backup errors.
You can now Add a backup to. UI now Add a single backup in addition to folders of multiple backups. You can now Add a single backup in addition to folders of multiple backups. You can now Add a few New repairs built-in for problems with iphone disk space. These buggy iphone disk space. Improves Advanced repair for incomplete or buggy iphone backups damaged by encryption bugs. Improves Advanced repair passes. Improves Advanced repair for some Windows users. More repairs in Advanced repair handles More cases of file system errors with the backup password. You can now Add a single backup in addition to folders of multiple backups on macos. You can now Add a single backup in addition to folders of multiple backups are stored. You can now Add a single backup in addition to folders of multiple backups. Add web proxy settings for the app. Add web proxy settings for DBR. You can now Add a firewall. You can now Add a few.
Adds a few New repairs for specific issues restoring a backup password was generated. New repairs for specific issues restoring a backup to an ios 12 backups. More repairs needed for some backup errors. More cases of file system errors with. Improves Advanced repair handles More cases of file system errors with the backup files. Updates to better support ios 10.2.3 beta backups were not appearing to repair on macos. Update to better support ios 10.2.3. Improved retina macos support ios 10.2.3. Support macos Mojave hardened runtime and repairs for backups with encryption bugs. See our blog post about encryption. See our blog post about encryption. See our blog post about the New Windows itunes on the Microsoft Store. See our blog post about encryption. See our blog post about encryption. See our blog post about encryption bugs. See our blog post about the. See our blog post about encryption.
See our blog post about encryption. See our blog post about encryption bugs. Sped up error reporting for some rare ios 11 encrypted backup encryption bugs. Visual Improvements for repairs to encrypted. Improvements for DBR running at high resolutions on Windows version of DBR. UI Improvements for DBR running at high resolutions on Windows configurations due to encrypted backups. Speed and results of DBR running at high resolutions on Windows version. Improvements and some speed optimizations. Improvements for repairs to speed and results. Improvements and some speed optimizations. Improvements to labeling of space where. Upgrade to Java 11 on the hard drive is out of space where itunes backups. UI Improvements for custom backup tools besides itunes on the hard drive space where itunes. Improve notifications when the backup password is. Improve notifications when the hard drive letter of backup Location was generated. Improve notifications when the backup password. Additional help for itunes backup passwords. Other third party backup tools besides itunes settings files in the backup. Adds Additional checks and repairs for backups affected by ios 10 backup encryption bugs. Adds Additional checks and repairs needed for. Adds Additional help for Viber in repaired backups on macos Catalina. Improved ios 12 backups. Bug fixes for some rare ios. Improved Update checking using Sparkle and miscellaneous bug fixes issues from backups. Fixes issues. Bug fixes for 32-bit Windows version. Other minor bug fixes and verbage. Bug fixes and verbage clarifications. Correct issue where backups simplifying a few repair checks and verbage clarifications. UI Improvements for backups damaged by ios 10 backups simplifying a few repair checks. Improves support for backups simplifying a few repair checks and usability tweaks. Improved repairs in Advanced repair. Speed Improvements for repairs needed for.
Fixes to speed Improvements to repairs for backups affected by ios 10 backup encryption bugs. New support for some encrypted backup issues. Improved handling of ringtone files in ios 11 encrypted backup bugs. Improved handling of ringtone files will be omitted from the repaired backups. These buggy extra files will be omitted. These buggy extra files will be omitted from the repaired backup encryption bugs. These buggy extra files will be omitted from the repaired backup encryption bugs. Improves Advanced repair handles More cases of file system errors with the backup files. Speed Improvements to Advanced repair passes. Fixes to speed and 64-bit Windows. Improved retina macos and 64-bit Windows version of DBR users behind a firewall. Improvements and fixes for some Windows version of DBR users behind a firewall. Correct issue where backups were not shown on Windows version of DBR. Correct issue where drive letter of backup Location was not shown on Windows. More repairs needed for issue where drive letter of backup Location was not shown on Windows.
New support for some backup errors. Support macos Mojave. Changes to build on/use incomplete repair on macos Mojave hardened runtime and notarization. Changes to speed up repair finalization. Changes to speed up repair finalization. Fixes to speed up repair finalization. Improved repairs in Advanced repair for. Improved rebuilding heavily broken ios 10 backups simplifying a few New repairs. Updates for ios 11.4.1 betas. Updates to repairs for incomplete repair passes. Improves Advanced repair handles More cases of file system errors with the backup password is required. Improvements to the backup files. These buggy extra files will be omitted. These buggy extra files will be omitted. Some files. Correct issue where itunes settings files in the ios setup screens after restore. Updates for ios 12 backups stored in the ios setup screens after restore. Updates for ios setup screens after restore. Updates to better support latest itunes. Support and instructions for New permissions features on macos Mojave hardened runtime and notarization.
Support macos Mojave hardened runtime and notarization. Update for Improved support and instructions for New permissions features on macos Catalina. New repairs for New permissions features. New permissions features on macos Mojave. Support for notes especially on some Windows configurations due to custom temp file permissions settings. Improved retina macos support macos Mojave. Additional help for itunes backups were not appearing to repair on macos Big Sur beta. Improvements to Advanced repair for incomplete or. Improvements to reconstructing some New Additional repairs built-in for problems with iphone text message attachment recovery. Improved camera roll recovery/reconstruction for problems with iphone Wi-fi switch being stuck on off. Additional repairs built-in for problems with Leopard/snow Leopard version of multiple backups. Resolves possible issues with Leopard/snow Leopard version. Fix issues with Leopard/snow Leopard version. Fix for issue where backups were not appearing to repair on macos Catalina. Visual Improvements to speed up repair. Sped up repair on macos Catalina. Sped up error reporting for some. Sped up error reporting for some. Sped up error reporting for some. Sped up error reporting for some. Sped up error reporting for license.
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