Plastering Supplies is here for the professional builders and handymen users. Before Plastering Supplies was formed, our team has had over 25 years on the tools in the building industry. After being frustrated with the lack of choices in normal trade retail outlets, we decided to setup Plastering Supplies. Our aim is to provide an extensive range and choices as well as great service and prices. With over 15 years of sourcing stock from around the world, Plastering Supplies now has over 5000 items in stock to give you the widest and best range to choose from.
Stocking all the tools required to professionally plaster your project, we also stock a huge range of other tools to suit the trades and the home DIY seller. Utilizing the reliable services of couriers and Australia Post, we can professionally send anything quickly and safely anywhere around the world
Contact Us
Business Hours :Monday-Friday-10am-5pm
Business Name: Plastering Supplies
Business Address :Narre Warren North VIC 3804, Australia
Phone: +65 9807 6827
Kindly follow us on social media :)
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