Shanghai ZENCAR Industry Co., Ltd. is a professional supplier of electric vehicle components, including all kinds of EV plugs, sockets, cables, connectors, and charging stations. All of our products come with CE, TUV and UL certification. We sell our products to domestic and overseas markets and have a very good reputation. Our products are especially popular in Europe and the USA. We constantly strive to adhere to our business philosophy of “ensuring high product quality, offering a competitive price and improving good after-sales service.
Types of Home EV Charging Stations
There are various types of home electric charging stations to choose from, depending on your needs and preferences. Let’s break down the most popular options:
Level 1 Chargers (Standard Home Outlet)
These chargers use a standard 120V outlet, meaning you can plug your EV into your home’s regular electrical socket. While this is a simple and cost-effective solution, it charges slower than other options. It’s great for drivers who don’t need to charge quickly or drive long distances daily.
Level 2 Chargers (Home EV Charging Stations)
The best option for most EV owners is a Level 2 charger, also known as a home EV charging station. These stations use a 240V outlet and can charge your vehicle much faster—usually in 4-6 hours. Installing a home electric charging station can be done with the help of a licensed electrician, and it’s ideal for users who want a more efficient and faster charging solution.
Business Address: 88 Number, Tong Jiang Rd, Changzhou City , Jiangsu 213000 China
Business Phone: +86 15851980077
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