Ensuring Your Safety With Integrity, Reliability, and Professionalism
Your Partner in Security
At Safeguard, we believe that security is about giving you peace of mind about your property, people, and assets being protected.
Our commitment to you is to provide our services with the utmost professionalism, exceptional and timely customer service, and integrity.
We pride ourselves in the fact that we are a diverse and accepting company that offers all our collaborators a welcoming and friendly environment.
Our Story
With a collective experience of over 30 years in the industry, security practically runs in our family.
In the process, we identified a need for improvement in security business standards and practices, so we wanted our company to far exceed them. For us, your peace of mind is tied to ours.
License number: PPO # 122311
Contact us :-
18531 Roscoe Blvd Suite 209 Northridge, CA, 91324
Hours of Operation: 7 Days a week / 24 hrs
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