Prader‐Willi Syndrome Association | USA was established in 1975 to unite parents, professionals, and other interested citizens to enhance the quality of life for those affected by Prader‐Willi syndrome (PWS). The organization plays a crucial role in the PWS community by providing a platform for shared experiences, advancing research, promoting education, advocating for patient rights, and offering comprehensive support to individuals with the syndrome and their families.
With chapters across most states, PWSA | USA stands as the only national PWS supporith Prader-Willi syndrome t organization dedicated exclusively to assisting individuals w and their families at every stage of their journey.
Services and Programs
Support Services:
Emotional and informational support for families and individuals.
Assistance with accessing healthcare and educational resources.
Crisis intervention and management.
Education and Awareness:
Educational resources for families, professionals, and the general public.
Workshops, webinars, and conferences on PWS.
Advocacy for policies and legislation that benefit individuals with PWS.
Collaboration with other organizations and stakeholders to promote awareness and research funding.
Funding and supporting research initiatives aimed at understanding PWS.
Promoting and disseminating research findings to the community.
Community Building:
Facilitating connections among families, caregivers, and individuals with PWS.
Organizing community events and support groups.
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