About Plantish Future: Your Gateway to Success
Plantish Future's mission is to provide eco-friendly home and bathroom swaps that make your daily hustles and errands more sustainable. All of our products are vegan, plastic-free, and plant-based. Each product is carefully designed with nature as inspiration and crafted with plants as the source as well as a strong emphasis on contributing to good causes.
Plantish Future's mission is to provide eco-friendly home and bathroom swaps that make your daily hustles and errands more sustainable.
All of our products are vegan, plastic-free, and plant-based. Each product is carefully designed with nature as inspiration and crafted with plants as the source as well as a strong emphasis on contributing to good causes.
We are a team of strong women, passionate newcomers, and racialized folks. We believe that sustainability is more than just the products you are using! True sustainability comes from seeing ourselves as part of land, water, and the earth.
Our community
Sustainability looks different to everyone, regardless of how small a change can be. Through our community, we bring innovation to co-create a plastic-free future to empower ourselves, each other, and everyone who encounters us in our perfectly imperfect sustainable journey.
Watch the Story of Plantish Future
As I found that more people were also having difficulties finding zero waste products, I decided to create a platform to make plant-based products available to more and to pass down the wisdom that previous generations shared with us, and products that Plantish has experience with and stands behind.
Business Address: 101 Charles Street East, Toronto, Ontario, M4Y 0A9
Phone: +1 647-894-7440
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