Application Solutions

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Application Solutions Probiotics Application Solutions is of our services, our RD center-Zacken, has been focusing on research and development, technology promotion, and application in the fields of beneficial microorganisms, and their derivatives for more years They are rich in scientific research . Their scientific research group,consisting of five specially-appointed professors, eight doctors, and fourteen masters, has been working in the field of microbiology for more than sixteen years, . and they provide one-stop professional services, which includes superior natural ingredients, scientific application solutions, and professional technology supports, for the segments of Human Health, Animal Health, Green Agriculture, environmental protection. Product CategoryModel No.Chinese NameProduct NameType Fermented traditional Chinese medicines (FTCM)ZK-FTCM-01鎶楃梾姣掑彂閰典腑鑽?/spanAntiviral fermented Chinese medicineAnti-viruses ZK-FTCM-02璋冭妭鑲犻亾鍙戦叺涓嵂Regulation of the Intestinal Tract, enhancement of immune system, and digestive functionModulation the gastrointestinal ZK-FTCM-03娌荤枟鍛煎惛閬撳彂閰典腑鑽?/spanFermented Chinese Medicine for treatment of respiratory tract infectionTreatment and Prevention of respiratory tract infection Fermented Animal FeedZK-FAF-01鍙戦叺楗叉枡Deep-fermented animal feeds,enhance immune system and digestive functionDeep Fermentation Animal Probiotics CompoundZK-ProB-01浠旂尓鑵规郴鐩婄敓鑿?/spanProbiotics for prevention and treatment of piglet diarrheaLive Bacteria ZK-ProB-02鍌偉鐩婄敓鑿?/spanProbiotics for fattening animal growers and finishers ZK-ProB-03鏁欐Ы鏂欑泭鐢熻弻As Probiotics additive in milk replacer for prevention and treatment of piglet diarrhea ZK-ProB-04淇濊偛鏂欑泭鐢熻弻As Probiotics additive in Creep feed for prevention and treatment of piglet diarrhea ZK-ProB-05 濂剁矇闃茶吂娉荤敤娣诲姞鐩婄敓鑿?/spanProbiotics as additive used in milk powder for prevention of diarrhea ZK-ProB-06闈掕串鍓?/spanWhole-plant Corn Silage Probiotics Inoculant ZK-ProB-07闈掕串鍓?/spanProbiotics as Alfalfa Silage Inoculant ZK-ProB-08鑲夌墰缇婂偓鑲?/spanProbiotics for fattening and finishing pigs,cattles,goats ZK-ProB-09鐦よ儍鍋ュ悍Probiotics for Ruminants Health ZK-Prob-10铔嬮浮澧炶泲Probiotics for increasing in Egg Production for laying hens Probiotics as Fermentation StartersZK-FS-CM01涓嵂鍙戦叺鍓?/spanFermented Starter of Chinese medicineCustomized ZK-FS-CML01涓嵂鍙戦叺娑?/spanFermented starter liquid of Chinese medicineCustomized ZK-FS-FM01楗叉枡鍘熸枡鍙戦叺鍓?/spanFermented starter of feed materials regular materials CultureZK-C01閰垫瘝鑿屼钩閰歌弻鍩瑰吇鐗?/spanYeast Lactic acid bacteria cultureCulture MicroorganismsZK-MI-KW01椁愬帹鍨冨溇鑵愮啛鍓?/spanMicroorganisms humifing Kitchen Waste High-temperature ZK-MI-BD01鐢熺墿闄よ嚟鍓?/spanBiological Deodourant AgentLive Bacteria ZK-MI-DS01鐢熸椿姹℃偿鑵愮啛鍓?/spanMicrobial humus of domestic sludgeHigh-temperature ZK-MI-FSF01绮薄鍙戦叺鑿屽墏Microbial inoculant for faecal sludge fermentation High-temperature ZK-BioFert寰敓鐗╄弻鑲?/spanMicroorganisms for fertilizerCustomized ZK-BioDetox 4 in 1鐢熺墿鑴辨瘨鍓?/spanBiological Detoxification Agent4 in 1 ZK-MI-SC01鍦熷¥璋冪悊鑿屽墏Microbial Soil ConditionerCustomized Fermented TCMZK-FTCM-S01鍙戦叺鐢樿崏Fermented Licorice RootLive Bacteria ZK-FTCM-S02鍙戦叺榛勮姪Fermented Scutellariae RootLive Bacteria They have created and designed many Probiotics Application Solutions, like the gastrointestinal health management, antibiotics alternatives, and body immunity booster, agricultural microbial products, probiotics feed additives so on. Those Probiotics Application Solutions are hot-selling and got very good reputations from customers. Looking forward to your join!Application Solutions website:



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