Indigenous Ally T-Shirts

Shop online for a unique selection of Indigenous Ally T-shirts in Canada at Our team considers these designs as the most neutral options so you can support our Indigenous brand without the fear of appropriating!


Indigenous Ally T-Shirts - Shop online for a unique selection of Indigenous Ally T-shirts in Canada at Our team considers these designs as the most neutral options so you can support our Indigenous brand without the fear of appropriating!

Listen to and follow the community.
Find out who the traditional owners and Elders are of the land you are on. When doing long-term work on Indigenous rights, build strong relationships within the community and make sure everything is Indigenous-led.

Centre the stories around community.
A big part of your involvement is to amplify the voices of Indigenous communities, don’t make it about yourself. You should directly share these messages with your networks in their words without alteration.

Be responsible for yourself.
Be aware of what resources you’re taking away from communities through your presence. Ensure you’ve given back to the community more than you’ve taken away.

Know when to step back.
Be aware of what space you are taking up. Always remember that you are there as a guest in a supportive role. There will be times when the community need to act alone, respect their boundaries.

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