Specimen Processing Services

Paraffin tissue sections are ideal for rapidly identifying the cellular localization of RNA or protein. To make paraffin tissue sections, tissues are excised, immediately fixed by formalin, and then pathologically identified.


Paraffin tissue sections are ideal for rapidly identifying the cellular localization of RNA or protein. To make paraffin tissue sections, tissues are excised, immediately fixed by formalin, and then pathologically identified. The paraffin-embedded sections are typically 4-10 µm thickness and are mounted on a positively charged glass slide.

Creative Bioarray provides high quality human and animal tissue slides, which can be used for routine HE staining or other special staining, IHC, IF, FISH and ISH. We also provide you with positive control slides for your histopathology positive experiment control.

  • Tissue trimming
  • Tissue processing
  • Embedding in paraffin blocks
  • Sectioning of paraffin blocks
  • Mounting sections on positively charged slides or any other treated slides of your choice

Creative Bioarray also provides frozen embedding and sectioning services. Frozen sectioning is a method of choice or a lab procedure for rapid microscopic analysis of a specimen when paraffin processing may interfere with any downstream techniques or when certain special tissue processing and outcome are required for particular research purposes. Our histology technicians pay close attention to the unique needs of our customers by optimizing their workflow - from embedding media and freezing spray to high performance of cryostats and accessories. The frozen sectioning services generally take three steps:

  • Tissue trimming
  • OCT embedding
  • Frozen sectioning


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