The way to recovery following knee surgeries for Craig Raucher

I, Craig Raucher, believe that I recovered quickly because I worked hard and stayed positive.


I, Craig Raucher, have had an affinity for playing basketball from my very childhood. Now I am more than 70 years of age. But I am still going strong on the basketball court. I am competing with guys who are much younger than me. It is good to know that I underwent a couple of knee replacements during the last several years. But that could not deter me from playing this game. 

I have been in charge of the Staten Island Basketball League from the year 1980 and it has been more than 50 years that I have worked with basketball. I have likewise worked in the Department of Transportation apart from basketball for more than 30 years. The venue of the aforementioned league is Public School 8 in Great Kills situated in Staten Island. This particular league is intended for players whose age is between 40 years and 70 years.

My knees hurt me a lot

I, Craig Raucher, experienced a difficult time while playing basketball. This is because I was running and playing along with other players and it badly damaged my knees. In an attempt to fix them, I had to undergo many surgeries. There was no other way than to get fresh knees, given that I was suffering from lots of agony. These surgeries helped me to lead a better life for sure. Therefore, I continued to perform workouts and play basketball even after undergoing the surgeries.

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