Is a Deep Plane Facelift Right for You? Here’s How to Tell!

Is a Deep Plane Facelift Right for You? Here’s How to Tell!


Given that it is the most dramatic facelift currently available, the deep plane facelift is not suitable for everyone. Your Orange County plastic surgery provider should evaluate you for suitability on an individual basis. However, there are some people who are more likely to be suited for this procedure when compared to others. Anyone who undergoes any type of facelift should be a nonsmoker – or at least willing to quit smoking for several weeks before and after the procedure. This minimizes risks during the surgery and recovery period. It is important to remember that while you will see immediate results as soon as your bandages are removed, this is not what your face will ultimately look like. Swelling will continue to resolve over time and the face will “settle” into the finished appearance. Give your face time to heal before you determine whether you are happy with your procedure.  



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