Exploring Five Approaches to Mobile App Development

If you've been contemplating creating your own app and embarking on the development journey independently, this guide is tailored just for you.


If you've been contemplating creating your own app and embarking on the development journey independently, this guide is tailored just for you.

Drawing on over 20 years of experience as a software engineer and having founded five startups, I have witnessed the evolution of app development from its early stages when the choices were limited to Java and Objective-C. In those days, the options were binary—develop an app for Android using one language or opt for iOS using the other.

Fast forward to today, and the landscape has expanded significantly, offering a plethora of options for aspiring app developers, ranging from highly technical to more accessible routes.

This guide is designed to walk you through the five distinct ways of building an app from scratch. Before delving into the details, it's important to outline the criteria used to categorize these methods.

Two key metrics guided the classification: the level of technical expertise required and the flexibility versus rigidity of each solution for app creation. On one end of the spectrum lies the hardcore developer, while the other end caters to individuals with a basic understanding of internet tools.

Now, let's explore each method with a visual representation of their position on this spectrum.


Mobile App Development Method #1: Low-Level Coding

Low-level coding demands a high level of proficiency in programming languages. This method provides maximum flexibility but requires specialized skills.


  • Unparalleled flexibility, making it suitable for intricate projects like augmented reality apps or games with stringent frame rate requirements.
  • Ideal for projects involving specific, non-mainstream hardware on a device.


  • High difficulty level, limiting accessibility to skilled developers.
  • Most time-consuming and expensive development process.

In essence, while low-level coding offers unmatched control over the app development process, it is a choice best suited for those with advanced coding skills and specific project requirements, particularly in the realm of augmented reality or specialized hardware utilization. 


Mobile App Development Method #2: Hybrid Apps

Hybrid app development leverages web technology, specifically JavaScript, enabling developers to create an application that can be deployed on multiple platforms. This approach allows you to code once and deploy on iOS, Android, and potentially other platforms. Popular hybrid app development tools include Titanium from Appcelerator, Cordova on PhoneGap, Ionic, and React Native.


  • Efficient use of resources with one set of developers for both iOS and Android.
  • Low to medium difficulty level, making it accessible to web developers familiar with JavaScript.
  • High flexibility with the ability to deploy on multiple platforms.


  • Slight performance hit due to the use of JavaScript, though modern hardware and internet speeds mitigate this impact.
  • Periodic reassessment of performance metrics recommended as technology evolves.

Insights: Hybrid app development is gaining popularity due to its business-friendly nature, allowing significant time and cost savings compared to fully native development. Examples like PBS Kids, developed using Cordova, demonstrate that hybrid apps can perform exceptionally well, particularly for UI-intensive applications.


Mobile App Development Method #3: Rapid App Development (RAD)

Rapid App Development (RAD) involves the use of tools like OutSystems, Kinvey, and Kony, offering an intuitive interface for mobile application creation. While these platforms claim to be user-friendly, a certain level of technical understanding is necessary for significant project customization.


  • Faster time-to-market with pre-built functionality.
  • Medium difficulty level, requiring some technical knowledge but not as much as hybrid app development.
  • Ideal for internal applications or employee-specific apps.


  • Limited by the functionality provided by the chosen platform.
  • Maintenance may be required if using RAD for internal processes or employee apps.

Insights: RAD tools expedite the development process by offering pre-built functionality, enabling faster entry into the market. While they may not suit every scenario, RAD is particularly advantageous for internal processes or applications designed for employees, where maintenance can be managed internally or outsourced.


Mobile App Development Method #4: Customizable Template Apps

Exploring the realm of customizable template apps, a category that includes tools like BiznessApps and GoodBarber, unveils a distinctive approach to app development. Unlike traditional methods, these builders provide a singular app template that users can configure to achieve a personalized appearance. While limited in taking app ideas to the next level, these platforms offer an easy-to-use interface, allowing users to modify settings, replace content, and shape the app's visual elements.

Key Features:

  • Beautiful app design with an intuitive user interface.
  • Configuration options for users to customize the app's appearance.
  • Simplified content modification through image and text swapping.


  • Restriction to a predefined set of functionalities.
  • Challenges in advancing unique or innovative app ideas.


Mobile App Development Method #5: BuildFire

BuildFire, a distinct player in the app development landscape, stands out in its own quadrant. Developed by the CTO and partners who recognized a gap in the market, BuildFire caters to individuals with no technical skills and offers an extensive marketplace with a variety of features. Notably, it allows users to engage with the developer community, continually expanding its capabilities. Unlike traditional builders, BuildFire permits custom functionality development through its SDK, resembling hybrid app approaches, without limiting innovative ideas.

Key Advantages:

  • Accessibility for non-technical users.
  • Extensive marketplace with constantly evolving features.
  • Ability to incorporate custom functionalities through the BuildFire SDK.
  • Access to native device APIs like Bluetooth, iBeacon, and cameras.
  • White-glove services for custom functionality creation.


  • Not suitable for augmented reality app development.
  • Not the ideal choice for complex gaming apps like first-person shooters or highly interactive games.

Unique Offerings:

  • Simultaneous launch on Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
  • Backend infrastructure utilization for reduced ongoing development costs.
  • Affordability with a track record of creating 10,000+ apps, including those for small businesses.

In summary, while BuildFire may not be the perfect fit for certain specialized app categories, it emerges as a robust and flexible solution for those seeking a rapid and scalable path to market with a diverse range of app ideas.


Selecting the Ideal App Development Method: A Comprehensive Guide

Having explored the intricacies of five distinct app development methods, the burning question arises—what is the best approach for a new app? The answer is not one-size-fits-all; it hinges on your specific needs, technical expertise, and flexibility requirements. Let's quickly recap the five methods discussed:

  1. Low-Level Coding:
    • Technical Level: Extremely high but offers maximum flexibility.
    • Cost and Time: Resource-intensive, time-consuming, and costly.
    • Suitability: Ideal for those seeking unparalleled control and capability for complex functionalities.
  2. Hybrid App Development:
    • Technical Level: Moderate, utilizing technologies like Javascript.
    • Cost and Time: Efficient development with reduced flexibility compared to low-level coding.
    • Suitability: Suitable for those desiring control, preferring an in-house approach without complete outsourcing.
  3. Rapid App Development (RAD):
    • Technical Level: Moderate, user-friendly but requires some hands-on involvement.
    • Cost and Time: Generally quicker, dependent on the chosen platform.
    • Suitability: Ideal for internal uses, less concerned about UI and performance, and willing to manage aspects independently.
  4. Cookie Cutter Apps:
    • Technical Level: Low, cost-effective, but limited functionality.
    • Cost and Time: Budget-friendly, suitable for non-business critical apps.
    • Suitability: Recommended for hobbyist apps, quick deployment, and those prioritizing aesthetics on a budget.
  5. BuildFire:
    • Technical Level: Minimal to none, suitable for non-technical users or those with technical skills.
    • Cost and Time: Time and cost-effective, especially for beginners or those seeking rapid development.
    • Suitability: Excellent for a wide range of users, offering limitless customization, backend infrastructure, and expert developer support.


Learning how to make an app requires a thoughtful choice of the app development method. With five main options available, align your decision with your technical proficiency and app requirements. Your chosen method should strike the right balance between flexibility and technical complexity.

For most users, an app building platform like BuildFire emerges as the top choice. It ensures efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and scalability for future needs. As you embark on your app development journey, use this guide to make an informed decision that suits your unique needs and business goals.

If you have any further questions or need guidance, feel free to reach out. Best of luck on your app development endeavor!

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