Navigating Knee Health: Torn Meniscus Symptoms and Tests

A torn meniscus is a common knee injury that can cause discomfort and hinder normal activities.


 Recognizing the symptoms and undergoing appropriate tests are crucial steps in diagnosing and managing this condition. Let's explore torn meniscus symptoms test to help you understand and address potential issues.

Torn Meniscus Symptoms:

  • Pain: The most prevalent symptom of a torn meniscus is pain, often localized to the side or center of the knee. The pain may vary in intensity and may worsen during specific activities.
  • Swelling: A torn meniscus can lead to swelling in the affected knee. The swelling may develop gradually, and the knee may feel tender to the touch.
  • Limited Range of Motion: Individuals with a torn meniscus may experience difficulty fully extending or bending the affected knee. This limitation in range of motion can impact daily activities.


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