Does Your Book Belong in Print on Demand?

Acutrack is the book printer and book fulfillment service ideal for self-publishers with an eye on profits and outstanding customer service.


Talk among independent authors often concerns print on demand books and the value of that system as a way to publish. Since its introduction, on-demand printing has helped thousands of writers become published authors. It has also enriched the companies providing the service with superior profit margins, taking revenue away from writers. Its allure for both sides is no inventory commitment while offering books for sale to see if they become successful. If yes, copies are printed as orders come in. In many setups, the printing company controls most aspects of the process and customer relationships.

When you, as an author, are relieved of responsibility, you lose control and work with limits on where you sell books. If your book is only mildly successful or you've written it for reasons other than selling copies, none of this may be overly important. However, if your book becomes a hit, you'll be giving away a large share of the profits and potentially limiting sales because it's only available in some channels. When you work with a professional book printer offering fulfillment services, you can sell in all channels, online and in stores. It can significantly increase your book's sales over time.

Businesses and self-help coaches that publish books for their customers often benefit from staying outside the print on demand system. It is crucial for them to have books available to sell on their websites or pack and ship with course materials and other merchandise. The point is self publishers vary widely in their goals and needs, and all must be considered when deciding about on-demand printing. It's also wise to think twice if your book has peak demand periods or sells during them, like at holiday time. Print queues can get backed up and cause customers to wait – a natural side effect of print on demand.

There are many reasons to write and publish a book, and being clear on yours helps you make many decisions throughout the process. More needs to be said about the value of professional marketing support if you want to maximize the PR opportunities connected to your book. It can open doors allowing you to increase your visibility and earn media coverage that would otherwise be challenging without the book. It's become common for rising stars in business to become authors to establish thought leadership in their fields. If that's you, think twice about your printing method. 



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