Phone : (401) 421-5275
Injection Moulding Plastic Manufacturer, Mars Plastics brings reliable, economic, and versatile Plastic Injection Molding services with impeccable customer service. Mars Plastics is one of the largest plastic injection molders on the east coast with 24/7 Operation of their 100,000 sq ft plastic manufacturing facility located in the USA. State-of-the-art in-house injection moulding as well as product finishing & assembly, gas assist molding & in-house tooling design and machining. Robotic technology and high quality equipment deliver production quality, speed and consistency. Large array of 40 injection molding machines range in size from 12 tons to 720 tons and have shot capacities of up to 120 ounces. The versatility of machine range allows Mars Plastics to produce some of the largest parts in the industry and can accommodate multi cavity small parts production, over-mold, insert molding and two-color molding. Mars Plastics incorporates work cell manufacturing practices( assembly, decorating, and packaging), ensuring economical manufacturing and translating into a competitive advantage.
Services include:
Injection Molding
Vacuum Forming
Large Production Facility
Mold Relocation Services to our facility from overseas and the USA
New Tool Project Management
In House Tool Servicing
Warehousing, JIT, and Kan-Ban services available
Engineering of products and tools
Material/Resin Supplier support and technology
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